What is the Best Way to Organize Your Pantry? 12 Pantry Organization Ideas and Simple Steps to Find Things Easier and Stop Wasting Food!

What is the best way to organize your kitchen pantry? Simple steps for big changes and an organized pantry.

Keeping an organized pantry can be the difference between a peaceful cooking experience and a chaotic one. Nobody likes rummaging through a cluttered pantry, searching for that one ingredient that seems to have disappeared. You can make your life in the kitchen much easier by taking some simple steps to learn how to organize your pantry.

On an organization kick? Check out our article on organizing kitchen cabinets!

1. Clear our your pantry to start fresh

A cluttered and disorganized pantry can make cooking and meal planning a nightmare. If your pantry is full of expired food and empty boxes, it's time to purge. Take everything out of your pantry, including all the shelves and drawers. Inspect each item and remove anything that's expired or that you don't use. Wipe down all the surfaces with a mild soap and water solution. Once everything is clean and organized, you can start stocking your pantry with fresh, healthy food.

2. Designate zones to group like with like

A well-organized pantry can make cooking and baking a breeze. By designating zones for different types of ingredients, you can save time and energy when searching for what you need when you group similar items.

Start by grouping all of your dry goods together. This includes items such as flour and sugar, rice, pasta, and cereal. If you have space, you can also designate a section for baking supplies such as cake mix, frosting, and sprinkles. Other great ideas for zones include canned goods, sauces, and condiments like vinegar and ketchup, and even an area for alcohol if you usually keep bottles in the pantry.

Once you have everything organized into zones, take inventory of what you have on hand and restock as needed. This will help ensure that you always have the ingredients you need on hand to make your favorite recipes.

3. Use small bins and baskets as a way to organize paper products

Use small bins and baskets as a way to organize paper products in your pantry. This will help you to have an organized and easily accessible storage system for all of your paper products.

First, you need to assess what types and how many paper products you have. This will determine the size and number of bins or baskets you'll need. Do you have a lot of napkins? Folded or rolled paper towels? Various sizes of aluminum foil? Once you know what you have, it's time to start grouping like items together.

For example, put all of the napkins in one bin and all of the paper towels in another. If you have multiple sizes of aluminum foil, put them in a basket, so they're easy to grab when needed. Having everything sorted by category will make it easier to find what you need when cooking or cleaning up.

4. Stock clear storage containers or glass jars with dry food items

Stock clear containers or glass jars with dry goods. This allows for easy access and visual awareness of what you have on hand. Plus, it looks really pretty! Glass jars come in a variety of sizes and can be easily stacked on top of each other, while clear plastic containers are often stackable as well.

5. Use doors for storage space

When it comes to storage space, every little bit counts. This is especially true if you have a small pantry. One way to make the most of your space is to use hanging organizers. These can be hung on pantry doors or on wall space, and they're great for storing all sorts of items.

Hanging organizers are perfect for storing things like spices, canned goods, and other small items. They free up valuable shelf space and help keep your pantry organized. Plus, they're easy to install and come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs.

So if you're looking for a way to make the most of your small pantry, consider using hanging organizers. They're an inexpensive and easy way to get organized and maximize your storage space.

Looking for more ways to minimize in the kitchen? We wrote an article on minimalism in kitchens!

6. Label everything

A label maker can be a very helpful tool in organizing your home. By using a label maker in your pantry, you can easily find what you need and keep track of expiration dates. This will help you save time and money by preventing spoilage and wasted food.

To get started, purchase a label maker and some labels. Then, take inventory of everything in your pantry. Make sure to label each item with the name, expiration date, and any other important information. Once everything is labeled, you can easily see when things need to be used up or replaced.

This system will help keep your pantry organized and tidy. No more rummaging through cluttered shelves! Having everything labeled will make life much easier – give it a try!

7. Use pantry space for small appliances

Small appliances can often be an afterthought when it comes to kitchen design, but they play a big role in how functional your space is. If you have a small kitchen, it's important to make the most of every square inch, including your pantry space.

There are a few things to consider when deciding which small appliances to keep in your pantry. First, think about which appliances you use most often and which ones can be stored elsewhere, like in a cabinet or on the countertop. Second, consider the size of the appliance and whether it will fit comfortably in your pantry if space allows. And finally, think about whether you need easy access to the appliance or if it can be stored out of the way.

Some great small appliances to keep in your pantry include a blender, coffee maker, food processor, and mixer.

8. For everyday products, keep items easily accessible at eye level

If you're anything like the average person, you probably use some pantry items more often than others. Perhaps there are a few items you use daily, while others only come out once in a while. 

This may seem like common sense, but it's easy to let things get cluttered and out of reach. Before you know it, you're using a step stool to grab that box of cereal from the top shelf. To avoid this problem, take stock of the items you use most often and make sure they're within easy reach.

9. Use a canned goods organizer to hold them all in one place

If your canned goods are cluttered and crammed onto your pantry shelves, it's time to invest in a canned goods organizer. This handy tool will help you keep all of your cans in one place, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.

There are a variety of canned goods organizers on the market, so you can choose one that best fits your needs. Some organizers have multiple levels, so you can store different types of cans on different shelves. Others have compartments that make it easy to grab a can without having to move everything around.

No matter which type of canned goods organizer you choose, using one will help you keep your pantry more organized and tidy. And when your pantry is organized, meal prep and cooking will be that much easier.

10. Use shelf risers to take advantage of limited space

If you're struggling to find storage space in your pantry, shelf risers can be a lifesaver. By taking advantage of the vertical space in your pantry, shelf risers can give you some extra room to store things.

Before you go out and buy shelf risers, it's important to take measurements. You'll need to know how tall your shelves are and how much clearance there is between the shelves and the ceiling. With that information in hand, you can shop for shelf risers that will fit perfectly in your pantry.

Once you have your shelf risers, you can use them to store all sorts of things: spices, canned goods, boxes of cereal, etc. By making better use of the space in your pantry, shelf risers can help you keep your kitchen organized and tidy.

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11. Place turntables in corners to take advantage of tight spaces

Lazy susans are a great way to take advantage of tight spaces in your pantry. By placing them in corners, you can easily reach all of your food items without having to move around a lot.

Lazy susans are also great for storing small items that would otherwise get lost in the back of your pantry. By keeping them in a corner, you can easily see and reach everything you need.

12. Place infrequently used items higher up

If you're like most people, you have a few items in your pantry that you only use once in a while. Maybe it's that can of chipotle peppers you need for one recipe or the box of quinoa you bought on a whim. Whatever the item may be, it's probably taking up valuable space that could be better used for other things.

One easy way to free up some space in your pantry is to place infrequently used items higher up on the shelves. That way, they're out of the way and not taking up valuable real estate. Plus, it'll be easier to remember to use them before they expire.

So next time you're looking for something in your pantry, take a minute to think about how often you really use it. If it's not very often, consider moving it to a higher shelf.