Getting the Most From Your Kitchen Drawer; Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen Tools

Your kitchen drawer may hold one of the most cluttered areas in your home. It all started with a purchase of a new kitchen tool and before you know it, you have 20 things in there. In order to help assist you in keeping your kitchen tools organized we are sharing some tips for organizing your kitchen tools.

5 Tips On How to Redesign Your Kitchen


The first step is simply to declutter your drawers. This might mean getting rid of any tools that are broken or no longer needed, but it also means removing any items that don't belong there at all!

For instance, if you have a drawer that holds only cooking utensils and baking tools, you may want to get rid of any other kitchen gadgets that don't fit in there. If you have an extra set of measuring cups or spoons for guests who visit often, consider storing them elsewhere so they don't clutter up your drawers.

Start Small

If you're overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your drawers, it can be tempting to think about getting rid of everything. But that won't help you get organized. Instead, start small and tackle just one drawer at a time. Pick a drawer that's easy to reach and clear out all its contents so you have an empty space to work with. Once the drawer is cleared out, decide what stays in there and what doesn't belong in the drawer.

If you have a lot of items that are meant to be stored elsewhere, place them in another place where they can be easily found when needed. Once the drawer is clear, put everything back in it—but this time, organize your items by category so they're easy to find when you need them.

Once you've cleared out one drawer, move onto another and repeat the process until all your drawers are organized. Then take a look at how much space is now available in your cabinets or closets; this will help motivate you to keep going.

Modern Storage: 7 Smart Kitchen Drawer Organization Ideas

Designate a Drawer

Designate a drawer for each type of tool or gadget. For example, one drawer can hold all your measuring cups and spoons, another all your knives and another all your cooking utensils.

When buying a new tool or gadget for the kitchen, consider whether it has its own storage space — or if it will go in one of those designated drawers.

Use trays and containers to keep similar items together in one place so they're easy to find when you need them. For example, put all your spices together in one container so they're easy to grab when you're cooking dinner. You may also want to label each container with its contents so you don't have to open every one when looking for something specific

One simple way to organize your drawers is with bins. These can be made from plastic tubs or Tupperware, or you can buy them from the store. If you have a lot of tools and gadgets that don't fit in one drawer, consider using multiple bins so everything has its own place.

Consider Organization in your Kitchen Design

If you're designing your kitchen, consider the way it will be organized before making any decisions about how it will look. For example, if you want to store pots and pans in overhead cabinets or on a wall rack, make sure there's room for them before installing cabinets. You may also need to adjust your floor plan so everything fits properly.

If you have a small kitchen, try to create as much space as possible by using vertical space. For example, install an overhead rack for pots and pans or hang them on a wall rack.

If you have a large kitchen, fill up the space by installing cabinets or drawers. You can also use cabinets to store canned goods, which can be stacked on their sides.

Some cabinetry companies provide kitchen drawers that include organizing elements integrated into the drawer itself. These organizers often have dividers that keep items from rolling around or falling out as you open and close the drawer. The dividers also make it easier to find specific tools among all of your items since they are organized based on function or type of tool. If you have several items in each category, then you can customize these organizers based on how you want to group your tools together

Accessories for Kitchen Cabinets

You can organize your kitchen tools to make them easy to find.

If you're going to be cooking regularly, then sometimes it's not enough to just have shiny new kitchen tools sitting around in a cupboard. You'll need to get them out, inspect them, and use your best judgment to decide how to store them. The goal is to always take a few moments before putting them away so that you can keep your kitchen space organized and also save yourself some time next time you want to cook something.

When you set out to streamline your kitchen and get rid of clutter and disorganization, start with the kitchen drawer. Tackle this project first, and you'll no doubt find it easier to get organized in other parts of your home.