Full vs Standard Kitchen Backsplash: Which is Right For You?

Your kitchen backsplashes  can easily be the focal point of the room. They’re excellent for adding color, texture, and personality to any kitchen, and there are no shortage of styles to choose from.


Kitchen backsplashes come in two sizes: full and standard. Both sizes vary (more on that later), have plenty of benefits, and work well when incorporated with specific materials and designs. When trying to narrow down your kitchen backsplash selection, this should be one of the first choices you make.


Here are the benefits of each:


Full Backsplashes


A full backsplash extends from the surface of your countertop to your ceiling, or at least to the bottom of your upper cabinets. They create a cohesive transition from your countertop to cabinets, and the material used is either a tile or slab of stone—both are visually stunning.


Full backsplashes are both the focal point of your kitchen and add texture and dimension to your walls. They also provide added protection for your walls against spills and stains. Given how easy it is to make a mess in a kitchen, this added protection is invaluable. Even if you don’t want a kitchen backsplash that redefines your entire design, you should at least consider having a full backsplash behind your stove.


To tie everything together, the benefits of a full backsplash include:


●     Visually striking designs

●     Wall protection

●     Seamless kitchen transitions


Standard Backsplashes


A standard backsplash height is usually 4 inches, but this isn’t a be-all end-all rule. Your standard backsplash can be 2 inches, 6 inches, or whatever you find most visually appealing.


For aesthetic purposes, a standard backsplash is often made of the same material as your countertops to appear as an extension of it. Standard backsplashes will save you on cost if you’re concerned about your budget, or have chosen an expensive countertop material. Just remember that the unguarded wall behind your backsplashes may get dirty from time to time and require your attention.


Since you’re not using as much material as you would with a full backsplash, standard backsplashes are often considered more eco-friendly. For the same reason, they’re also easier to incorporate in changing kitchen designs. If you want to paint your kitchen a different color or install different sized cabinets, you don’t necessarily worry about tearing out your backsplash or altering it in some other way.


To recap, the benefits of a standard backsplash include:


●     Budget-friendly

●     Sustainability

●     Easier to incorporate in other designs

●     Works in unison with your countertop


Choosing the Right Kitchen Backsplash


Both full and standard backsplashes are viable options, but have your full kitchen design in mind before choosing one or the other. Once you install a backsplash, they’re not easy to remove.


Still trying to weigh the pros and cons of each backsplash? Check out our portfolio and see what catches your eye.