Best Linen Closet Organization Ideas

Best Linen Closet Organization Ideas

Organizing your linen closet may seem difficult if you face the project without a plan. But with some careful consideration, it's actually not a daunting undertaking. Whether you want to tidy up an existing linen closet or build an entirely new one, keep these tips in mind for the best results.

Declutter your storage space

Linen closet organization is one of the most common areas to tackle when it comes to home organization. It can be tricky because you want to keep your linens fresh and clean but also keep them organized and easy to find.

When it comes to linen closet organization, you want to start by decluttering. This will help you determine what you need, making it easier to organize the rest of your space.

Declutter your linen closet as the first step to organization. Take everything out of your linen closet and separate it into piles to figure out how much space you have.

Look through each item from your linen closet individually and decide whether you need it or not. If so, is this the right size? Do I have enough of this item? Is there another place that works better than my linen closet?

Move out items that aren't used or could be moved to long-term storage. For example, holiday items are an excellent choice to move out of your linen closet as their use is limited.

If not, throw away or donate items that no longer work for you.

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Group sets together

Once you've decluttered your items, stack them together in groups, such as towels, hand towels, bedding, fitted sheets, and toiletries.

Then, if it's important to you, divide the groups into sections by color or pattern. For example, you could have one area of pink bath sheets and one quarter of red bath sheets; or two sections of white hand towels with different patterns.

Once you've divided your linens into sections by color or pattern, it's time to organize your closet by size. You can sort your linens into three categories: large (such as blankets), medium (such as pillowcases), and small (such as washcloths).

Learn how to fold and stack flat linens

Fold sheets by folding them in thirds lengthwise, then refolding them lengthwise again. This makes it easier to fit more sheets into your linen closet while keeping them wrinkle-free as well.

Stack towels, blankets, and throws on top of each other vertically, so there is no wasted space between items and everything fits neatly on one shelf or hanger bar without creating wrinkles or creases from folding or stacking flat items together horizontally like regular laundry does when placed in drawers or baskets that don't allow for air circulation underneath when stacked vertically like this (see photo).

Look into storage options like organizers, dividers, and bins

When it comes to organizing your linen closet, you want to make sure that you are storing your linens in an organized way. In addition, when organizing your linen closet, you want to ensure that you have the proper storage for each type of linen.

Use dividers and bins to sort your linens into categories. This will help keep everything neat and organized so that it will be easy to locate when you need a particular item. In addition, you can use clear containers to see what is inside without having to open each one.

Use baskets and bins to contain smaller items like towels, sheets, and washcloths. These are great for stacking in a small space or hanging from a shelf above the doors. They allow you to see what's inside each container without having to open it up so that you don't waste time looking through everything at once.

Use shelves to store more oversized items like comforters, pillows, and blankets on top of the door. This will allow you extra room in other parts of the closet for other items that need more storage space, like clothing or shoes. Make sure there's enough space between each shelf so that you can easily reach them without having to move everything around first.

Another way to organize your linen closet is by using a three-level system with shelves on one side and drawers on the other. This will allow you enough room for all of your linens and keep them out of sight when they aren't needed. The drawers are great for smaller items like washcloths or small towels, while the shelves are great for larger items like sheets or blankets.

You should also consider putting a hamper in the closet for dirty laundry and extra hangers for guests who may stay with you overnight or for longer periods.

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Label as you tidy up

One of the best things you can do for yourself when organizing your closet is to label everything! It's so much easier to put away laundry when all the bins are labeled with what they hold inside. Also, if your children are helping out with laundry chores, then labeling their bins helps them know which clothes belong in each bin too!

Label your bins and drawers with the contents in large print on a piece of clear tape. Or use adhesive labels that can be removed easily when you change the contents.

Manage seasonal items

Take out seasonal items and store them elsewhere to access them during the holiday. For example, if you're planning on using your winter sheets and blankets during Christmas, take them out of the closet and store them in another location until December rolls around. This way, you won't have to search through all of your linens every time you need something for guests or for yourself.

Your linen closet should be a place that makes you feel calm, not stressed.

Hopefully, these tips will help you keep your linen closet organized. Of course, if your closet is already in good shape, that's great! But if you've got some work to do and want to learn more tips and tricks, read on—we've got plenty here for you. After all, efficiency in the linen closet is always a good thing.